Candle TIME Fall TIME.


These are the other 2 I wanted BUT I had to settle down candle lady and JUST SAY NO.
So I went into Bath and Body Works last week because I saw a "SALE" sign (I am such a sucker) and I found some great soap in fall sense like caramel apple 4 for 15, but that wasn't what I ended up just buying. There were all these amazing candles 2 for 20(pretty good considering they are regularly 20 each!) They kept saying buy me, your house smells like a dungeon. 
So I bought Creamy Pumpkin and Marshmallow Fireside. 
Both smell amazing.  
Fall is here! So I want my house to smell and look like it too! Here are some of my decor ideas found on
 awwww, the holidays are the best, the smells, the decor, the fun!

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