According to my
intsagram it looks as though we have been on a month vacation in California. Turns out to be half true. I say half because it was for me and not for Mr. He started work in California May 6th. He got an awesome job in the desert that we couldn't pass up. We packed up both of our cars full of stuff and headed south. We lived at a Marriott resort for 2 weeks in Palm Desert. Weekends at my Uncles house in Arcadia. 1 week in San Diego for work training. 1 week back in Salt Lake for our "official" move and my cousin's wedding. BAM there ya go. That was our month of May. It was exhausting, thrilling, adventurous, and FUN all at the same time. I'm still in shock. It was a crazy homeless month for us, living in two different states. Living with only the stuff in our cars. I guess all I can say is that God knows us better then we know ourselves. He knows exactly what we need and is the perfect planner. There is no way I could have planed this, trust me I tried. I thought I knew MY plan, but it turns out life happens and plans change, thankfully this change of plans was a GREAT thing for us. That being said here is a recap on the last month, because I am WAY to tired oh AND sick AGAIN to do individual posts of every single thing we have been up to.

The drive was long and knowing I would be back a month later to do it all over again. Scared me BUT this move was not NEARLY as hard as the
first move. Let's just say I didn't have a breakdown. There were no tears shed. I was calm and trusting like never before because I knew we NEEDED to move and it was perfectly planned. In some ways it wasn't PLANNED at all. The timing was amazing. AMAZING.
Compare the gas prices below. Pruis vs. Lexus. Wow.
I think we may need to sell our Lexus and get another Prius.
We had no complaits livng in a 1,600 sq ft hotel room. Larger then all three of place we have lived. We wanted to live the resort life for ever.
Despite our wishes, our resort livin ended in 2 weeks time.
So on the weekends we stayed with my uncle in Arcadia, we hit up Dodger games...ALL YOU CAN EAT pavilion tickets were amaz. Of course we attend the beach various times. Ate at Sprinkles to many times according to my scale. It was great to get out of the desert heat and head to LA for a few days as well as saving a few bucks! thanks to the MPM scholarship fund a.k.a. uncle mike is too nice to us.
Tim photo-bombed not once but twice.
Pippa got two sores on her chin. we are all wondering from what. she still hates bedtime and hides under the bed.
Erica had her mission farewell that we were conveniently were able to go because we are less then two hours away. Very excited for that girl.
yeah, bromance happening right and left with these two.
had to capture the bike ride for two.
We actually worked out. For a first. Have you ever ran around the Rose Bowl stadium? well we have. now we can finally check that off our CA list.
We discovered a self-serve SHAVE ICE place in Pasadena. big time discovery. life changing.
What moving do they look guilty seeing? take a wild guy-humor guess.
If you ever come see us we can take you to see Marilyn statue downtown.
Don't worry there is more to this whole move thing. Considering we haven't lived in Utah for over a month. We were homeless, BUT not this week! We finally moved into our house. We are now in the middle of unpacking. the endless piles of boxes and crap. We haven't even grocery shopped yet. well I take that back I did swing by and pick up some milk. it's been a whirlwind. i still can't believe I LIVE IN CALIFORNIA, I get it now why people pay the $$$$$ to live here. The sun all year is priceless.
Part 2 of the story to come...
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