Moving Our Haul.


this picture says it all. how exhausting is the moving process? i say process because it is, this time around its take 7 days to completely finish unpacking. Pictures are up and tv is mounted on the wall.  I'm proud to say. i'm currently working on the yard. I found a table for the patio and a bench, but that's about it. i'm so annoyed with how expensive outdoor furniture is! how rude.

 our uhaul was $125 to fill up. our tank lasted 300 miles. this is where moving gets expensive. thanks to  Mr.'s company for paying for our move. thank goodness.
 when we got to Vegas, we passed this truck that said "complete moving service" I thought wow wouldn't that be nice to have someone move everything for you. holy amazing and perhaps worth the expensive price tag to hire out your move.
 to many clothes. just a tad bit overwhelming. i sorted the winter clothes. i bagged and banned them to the garage. won't be needing those for who knows how long.
its devastating that there not a single bakery, ice cream, candy, NO sweet shops in the desert BUT there are donuts. 
thanks to uncle mike for the amazing mattress. we are in sleeping in heaven now. 
 i have this thought and desire of starting a garden in the backyard. i keep thinking how cool it would be to grow stuff. economical. and the fact that i can garden all year here. i know nothing about gardening, but that's what pinterest is for.
 we went to LA last weekend for a little movie/beach/dodgers game action. always a good idea. when we left it was 115 and when we got to LA it was 75. yeah def a good idea.
 the first 40,000 people got world series replica rings. they weighed about 5 lbs.
Dodger dogs. always a tradish.
 last day with erica before her mission. tear. this picture is so hilar.
 we tried hard for a non-awk cotten candy pic. struggle fest to say the least. look at my hand and my huge bow covering half of Mr.'s face. oops.
 there we go.
 puppy cuddles. pippa is weird about our bed. she can't figure it out. always walking around and sniffing. wondering what this big thing is.
 getting the key to our house felt so good to get started on our next chapter.
 i love our street. lined with palm trees.
so glad peonies are in season right now. makes my kitchen feel cheerful. 

 pippa enjoyed all the attention she gets at Homegoods when she shops with me for...well, home goods.
 real life. pippa ate the remote. i leave her for 5 seconds and come back to a remote that has been eaten to pieces. literally. now look below and pippa in the middle of the road, refusing to walk. buggin.
the master bath is done. and put my prints to use that i got from the bijou market in provo.  
 pippa can make the same faces as me. soakin up the sun.
 i went to Lowes for a little plant shopping. i love the desert plants. cactus and succulents are beautiful.
life is good in the desert. so far we're liking it and managing the heat. the mornings and evenings are great! the afternoons feel like your in an oven. we love our pool. we laugh when we see the old retired peeps driving their golf carts around our neighborhood like they are cars.
oh and how could i forget to say HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to my dad! he has taught me so much in my 24 years of life. i chose a pic from a exactly a year ago at my college graduation. can't believe it's been a year. this is what he always wanted, for all 7 of his kids to be college graduates, he only has 3 more to go. i wish i could tell students that the workforce is plentiful and the future is yours BUT i have to say it's all in who you know, not how smart you are not, not your GPA, not your internships, not the university you graduated from, it IS however in WHO you KNOW. so start getting to know many as possible in your field. network, network, network. so far the jobs we have gotten have been from people we know. those things above do help, but little influence compared to connections. i'm sorry, it's sad, but true. my dad is a chatter box, he talks to anyone and everyone and taught be to do the same. to be able to talk to all types of people and be able to carry on a conversation. now if i can just network with everyone in this desert and find a job in event planning at a hotel, resort or country club.

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