Trader Joe's.


Do you shop at Tj's?...the other tjs....trader joe's, if not you should def consider it. I never shopped there until I got married. In fact I hadn't ever stepped foot in a Trader Joe's until two years ago. I don't even know why... maybe because I never really grocery shopped before I was married besides when I would run errands for my mom and pick up things on her list which was always at Safeway or PC Market. I slowing have been trying things at Trader Joe's and now I have gotten my list of favs there, let's be honest it's an on going list. People that shop at TJs know that they always have NEW stuff. a shelf of NEW stuff. I love it because I love trying NEW stuff. They have cheap flowers and plants too! oh and adorbs packaging. oh and SAMPLES, looks like Costco isn't the only smart one to feed their customers. Well friends here are some of my favs that I have in the kitchen right now, however there are many more favs at TJs that are not pictured. Most of the things posted I was introduced by friends. thanks for good friends who have good taste. If you have favs tell me because I love new recommendations! 
bomb chicken burgers. amazing low in cals and high in protein. one of my favs to have on hand.
I was in the freezer section and i asked kate if she had ever tried these and before she answers a woman comes up to us and goes off on how amazing they are and better then any bakery. so naturally i placed a box in my cart. 
once again word of mouth. thanks to kate. now if you have ever had a frozen banana these are so much better because they are BITES. like hello genuis! who wants to naw on a huge frozen banana...only people that don't know about frozen banana bites. 4 pieces for 130 cals. 
okay people the best croissants. the chocolate croissants are my absolute fav BUT those are already gone so i decided to just show the plain ones. you take them at night to rise. in the morning they are huge and you bake for 30 mins. there is nothing better then a hot chocolate croissant. i can say they are just as good as the ones in France because my friend who served her mission there said Tjs are the same as the ones she ate in France. there ya go people. 
here is what the chocolate croissants look like when they are all done. huge i know. the best. 
if your a smoothie person like me then you will love how cheap Tjs frozen fruit is! 
my friend Ashley told me about these suckers! honestly a life saver when cooking dinner for a potato lover of a husband. all you have to do is take 16-20 pieces and put in pot and amazing creamy potatoes are on your plate. so easy and so real and so good. 
okay so if you love Kirkland vanilla ice cream this is just as good if not better! it's super inexpensive for amazing premium real deal ice cream. no cheap crap tasting stuff. that being said you pay for it in calories. 
best frozen pizza i have ever had. and under only $3. it tastes like it was cooked in a brick oven. I like to add my own fresh tomatoes and basil for a margarita pizza. 
best low calorie and highest protein greek yogurt, its gross just plain but amazing for smoothies or parfaits.
It's cheaper then FAGE and just as good!!!
tried this for the first time this week. so fresh. tastes like homemade. 
amazing alternative to chips!!! 20 pieces for 130 cals. friend's personal trainer told her about these guys. 
i was craving my mom's almond roca when i added these to my basket. 
omg omg omg your sundaes are not going to amazing until you have these in your bowl! holy delish. or use a chip to dip in your ice cream or fudge. 
all of tjs drinks are great! there teas, hot chocolate, juices! go for it. the limeade is bomb especially with a little bit of Sprite and mint leaves. 
these are great to have on hand when you don't feel like cooking. Mr. loves these. easy lunch too!  and under $2. 
delish. quality. tastes like a restaurants mac & cheese. also they have a reduced cal version which I LOVE.
under 300 cals. 
There ya go. Have fun grocery shopping!

1 comment

  1. Love the chicken patties and that mac and cheese! I have to find that salsa next, I love salsa! Thanks for the tips!

    =) Brooke

    They have a low call pink lemonade that is yummy, you might try that too!


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