

the last day at the reunion is always a sad day.
BUT always fun too cause it consist of voodoo donuts and farmer's market!

okay so ya know how my uncle is all artsy and has made reunion shirts since the beginning of time...like b.k. (before kids) like b.m. (before marriage)
there were some classic shirts in the 70's that i wish we could bring back
BUT the good news is the tradish continues for all of us to enjoy!
wearing our new tee is one of the reunion highlights
this year's shirt was inspired years ago...
there was an artsy father/son collaboration....and the WHIPPLE FAMILY CREST t-shirt was born.

while googling the whipple family coats of arms i came across some other apparel...
i need to order one of these for our furry family member...haha... no but really though...
and for all those baby making family members...order this because i feel like next year all the babes need a picture together in diapers and the bib.

these next pics i love.
because they remind me of when we all were little cousins...
taking silly pictures for our uncle doug.
ohhhhh the memories we will never forget.

this was our last breakfast...yup scotchies. 

okay so one of the activities was to go through some old hidden gems.
grandma had some never before seen photos.
and this is one of my favorites...whenever i need a pick-me up or smile i look at this photo...

oh and these are pretty hilar for various reasons:

killin it in my pink hat. 

so as you can tell little kids like  LOVE popsicles.
and cash LOVES to share his with evy.
seriously i wondered if his teeth were stained permanently red from so many pops from gigi.
whenever he cried he was given a pop, which happened often. pretty hilar.

1 comment

  1. HAHAHAHAH my hair! such a mushroom cut! can't get over it. that's a good one!


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