

the other night we were eating at our ex-neighbors (yup, they moved. only .03 miles away, BUT still not next door anymore) anyways after dinner we were watching some shark week.
they told us about a documentary BLACKFISH. 
a few days later we were bored (gosh i'm hating summer tv, nothing good is on...ugh SCANDAL come back on asap) so we decided to turn on some Netflix and watch that documentary
holy emotional. pulled at your heartstrings. 
okay i totally cried...even days later andrew still makes fun of me... and says how i'm a softy mama bear...whatever that means. but when you watch it please don't tell me you don't get at least a little teary when the babies are taken from their mommies. gut-wrenching.
(don't watch it when your pmsing...holy waterfalls.)

so with all documentaries ya gotta know they are one sided. obviously. so here is another interview from another former trainer who has a different view on sea world. 

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