My 2 yr. old Pip.


can't believe pippa is two. it seems like yesterday we were pulling up to a farm in Lebanon, OR.
she is so cute she deserves all the attention she gets, whether it's on a walk, at the park, the vet, on the couch, family or friend gatherings. you name it. she is adored.

i don't know if it's her permanent sad face she makes or the rolls...everyone is a sucker for rolls on babies and puppies. the thing that is the cutest to me is her loving, OVERLY loving personality.

she does a lot of buggin things like gets hair all over my black clothing, but for some reason you just look the other way.
you think it's annoying, but it doesn't matter because of how sweet she is.

in the morning i gave her some yogurt and whipped cream. she loved.
andrew said i'm a sucker.
and i said "well, that makes two of us"
because reality is andrew is the biggest softy, maybe not when it comes to my online shopping habit.

i thought the pink cowboy out was fitting give our location and all.
bought it at target last year. gotta love halloween clearance.
then printed a big two and taped it on.

i made her a peanut butter, coconut cake...with yogurt frosting & topped it off with her favorite thing to come out of the microwave...POPCORN!!!
she is obsessed with it. she hears it popping. her ears perk up. she makes that face.

she knew it was her cake. she watched me make the entire thing start to finish.
she just had this look like "it's MY birthday, I'm not as stupid as you think I might be"

i don't know why but watching her eat a cake never gets old, therefore i will be making one every year.

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