2014 Recap.


let's take a little walk down memory lane.
let's call this walk 2014.

2014 was kinda cray.
it feels like a really lonnnnng year BUT yet really short.
ya know what i mean?

i guess we should start with January, shall we?

in 1-14 we enjoyed our last days in SoCal.
we did things Californians should do, like go to the beach (in the winter & it's still 72 out) and go to disneyland.
i turned 25. 
nothing like being in your "mid-twenties" 
for my birthday mr. surprised me with a planned out (raise the roof for husbands that plan things) 
day at the happiest place on earth. 

pippa always make it a special day too!

this time to houston texas.
never in a million years would i have ever thought i would live in TX.
the first time i went to Texas should be be added to January.

 on our way to texas we had a little vaca in pheonix.

 then two weeks after moving to Humble, my mom came to town to help out with setting up shop.
we also traveled around tx too...
which brings me to the Alamo.

we also ate a lot...in austin too.


tx rodeo. first time & not our last.

i went to new orleans with my brother & sister.

i worked at salon in kingwood.
i fixed some texans hair.
 we went to galveston & discovered we better move back to california if we ever want to be beach bums.

i got hooked on scandal allllll year long. thank you netflix

went home to Oregon to babysit some cute kids.

for memorial we weekend we went to austin with friends (andrew's first time going my 2nd)

we flipped our canoe.
it was actually a freak out moment.


my cousin Brittney came to town for some some southern fun.

went to nasa.

July: went to the annual whipple reunion in oregon.
always a blast seeing fam & enjoying perfect summer weather.

 also went to the oregon coast. it had been years.

August: went to brenham for a bluebell tour.

my sister came into town!
yay!! for family who comes allllll the way to houston!!

September: accomplished our first run! it was a fit foodie 5k soooooo lots of bomb free food after aka best run everrrr. highly recommend.

went to austin for a 3rd time.

Pippa turned 2.

andrew turned 26!

went to dallas for the state fair.

Luminate 5k run.

my mother in-law, Martha or Marty or #MartyParty, came into town for bonnie's bridal shower.

we had our annual halloween party.
i was maleficent, andrew was the raven, and pippa was sleeping beauty.

last race of 2014!
color fun run.

 i started working as event planner.

we started house hunting.
put in three offers, got outbid on one. inspection came back horrible on another. AND then finally got one that got accepted & inspection came back with flying colors. i guess the saying "third times a charm" is true. so if all goes well we will close sometime in 2015.

this is the house with a horrible inspection that we lost $500 with...UGH. house hunting bugs. 
went on a cruise.
went to Bahamas & key west.

that says "happy 2014 thanksgiving" (ugh sand writing)

andrew's brother, christopher, married bonnie. on an oddly warm houston winter day.

only fam pic i have. i hate the angle i'm standing at, does it looks like my dress is maternity?

we took our annual christmas card pics.

we went home to oregon for christmas.

we flew back to houston for new years.

that took forevs, however i look forward to writing this post every year because it forces me to do a little pondering. looking back is a good thing because it reminds you of what you want for the future. 

2014 was another change. 
it was filled with so many new places, new tastes, new people, new traffic, new jobs. the list goes on. 
the south is soooooo different then the west. 
it's been an adjustment. 
i still can't believe we've been here for almost a year! i can't believe we've made it that long. 
that being said i have a goal to learn to accept houston for what it is and what is offers us. 
2015 i'm ready for you. 
so bring it on. come what may.

best trip: 
NOLA tied with the cruise

best race: 
fit foodie 

best book:
loving what is by Byron Katie (life changing) 

best movie: 
into the woods or magic in the moonlight

best song: 
not a bad thing by JT

fav new tv show: 
black list

best meal: 
ruby slipper in new orleans

best concert: 
keith urban

best goal: 
worked out an hour 5 days a week for the entire year...this is the longest i've ever worked out consistently. this is a big deal for me!! it's something i've always wanted to incorporate into my life and now i have...yay! 

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