

Things I've learned in 2014:

Taking 10,000 mcg of biotin makes your nails super duper FAKE looking long.
Biotin makes your skin break out below your jaw line.
House hunting sucks. no better word to describe it.
Finding a job can make you question the value of your BS degree & is is really BS?
Going to a class at the gym everyday makes me happy.
Lululemon attire is the BEST thing you can wear working out. SORRY nike.
Victoria Secret's best kept secret is their SPORTS BRA.
Commuting over a an hour each way is horrible. Don't recommend it.
There are a new group of people I refer to as "cruisers"
You can get yourself through anything by asking yourself 4 questions.

I want to do a couple of resolutions.

Be more present.
Master a skin care routine.
Cook new dishes.
Go to Europe.
Blog two shoots every month.
Master cinnamon roll recipe.
Take a continuing education class.
Start a garden.
Buy a new car.
Read. Read. Read.

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