October Costumes.


target & pet smart have the best doggie costumes. 
they were on sale. 
like $10 or less. 

i went a little crazy. 
dressing pippa up is so much fun. 
because she is so freakin cute & hilar in costumes. 
she's masculine, sad looking, wrinkly girl. basically she can pull off any look. 

she is sorta a struggle model. 
she gets mad. very dramatic. 
such a high maintenance model. 

andrew & i joke about how we need to get her to hollywood so she can pay some bills. 
some vet bills. 
help out a little around the house. 
she wouldn't be hirable because she won't look at the camera. 
unless you have a treat. 
she will hold for a treat, but the second you give her one it's game over. 
she demands treats and won't sit still. 

gosh i love her faces. 

then we got a little more creative with some props.

she got her first barkbox.
she was lovin life.

which was your fav?
I think mine was the lion, but wonder-woman was so cute too!

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