
So after watching a T.V. show (ok I will admit it...OPRAH) and it was all about looking younger and healthy! Basically after watching I want to have better skin...the DR. on the show said he can tell how healthy people are by just looking at their skin! 
I am going to challenge myself to actually drink the daily dosage of water! and really eat all the fruits and veggies that we are suppose to in a day. Next I am going to be better about taking my multi-vitamins. 
Basically I am hoping to have skin like Nicole Kidman. I mean it's a flawless glow almost like porcelain. Sunscreen and moisturizer and exfoliation are my best friends.

1 comment

  1. This post has actually inspired me to drink more water too! Im sure Nicole kidmam would not look like this without all that Botox.


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