Oh Sister.


Literally has her arms full.  

Ashley has her arms full BUT she is the most patient mom I know.
I don't know how she does it...I almost lost it a couple times trying to get Lizzy to wear clothes let alone a bow in her hair--
I kept thinking I don't think I will ever be able to be a mom--it's just too hard. 
So to all those moms out there WAY TO GO! 
OH AND Ashley doesn't yell --EVER.
(so when I have kids don't judge me Ash cause I will be yelling like crazy I just have a feelin)


  1. oh my gorgeous. Ashley is a supermodel. and paige and lizzy are the cutest girls in this world. love this lauren!

  2. I sure miss my Ash Smash. She is amazing. The girls are getting so big. Those pictures turned out so great. Miss you Whipple's a ton.

  3. Ashley is SO gorgeous! Her oldest looks so much like her:)


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