Interning Away.

 This term I have been interning for Anthropologie! I have been working with the Visual Display Coordinator. I wanted to show what I have working in the last few months: 
 This week is the home move aka changing the entire store. Out with Winter in with Spring! We are working on all new displays. Here are some pictures of the cactus we are making: 
 First cut out the shapes, then paint, then glue, then stuff, then DONE.

Here is one of the finished cactus pieces:
 Cactus's are all over the store, with white pots. I love the clean simple look!
These are old sheets torn, then coiled by a drill, then dyed. I will post the finished look soon!
Some sketches, I am in aw every time I work with the display designer, she is so talented.
 The art room, where it all goes down.
 Lunch Break! I love that Paradise Bakery is right around the corner.
 I want to get some for my house!
 Spring inspiration board.
My apron ends this blog post on the best internship my creative juices could ask for. I am learning a lot about design and displays. I love how every Anthro store is different. If you didn't know: Anthro comes out with an inspiration book each season. This book is filled with colors, textures, and stories. The display coordinator interprets the inspirations and then creates. This is how Anthro accomplishes it's uniqueness factor in each of it's stores world wide. Isn't that cool?!

1 comment

  1. that is SO cool.. i really want in on these designs! :P You have the coolest crafty/arty job! What a fun thing that would be to do that every day. (I don't know what's stopping me, but I think if I can't find a reason by tomorrow I might go to town and buy an art room's stock of supplies like that - AAH!!!!) GLORIOUS!


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