Raised By Captain.

Happy Father's Day DAD!!! 
I had to do a post dedicated to my dad. 
My dad is a Naval Academy alumni, he tells us stories of his years in the Annapolis. He shares his experiences in the Navy.  He has done some intense stuff, maybe that's why he is so INTENSE. He was nothing but a pusher growing-up. He pushed me when I didn't want to pushed, those who know him know what I am talking about. 
 My mom and dad met in Japan when he was stationed there and she was visiting her family on her term off from BYU because her dad was stationed there too. 
 My dad has an office in our house, growing-up this is where dad worked. We would bring him lunch and we would wave to him when walking up the hill from school. We would get him mail when the postman came up the street. We would get in trouble if we used his special pen and did't put it back (he still does this). He likes his office organized and no one is allowed to touch things.  
 My dad was my couch growing-up too! He couched all of my siblings teams. He called me ICE BOX because I was a little to aggressive for an 8 year old. I always wanted to impress my dad when it came to sports, I would come to my brother's practices and play with the boys.
 I was a tom boy what can I say.   
 My dad took us on trips...a lot when he was doing the Navy reserves (now he is a retired Captain).  He took us to Annapolis, D.C. NYC, Hawaii (5 times), the entire state of California, Mexico and Canada. He loves to travel and an adventure. He has traveled everywhere. The only time he is okay with me spending money is if I am going on a trip. He took us out of school to go on trips with him and said we would get more education than in the classroom and he was totally right! 
 How great did I look in the 7th grade... hot I know. This is us at Chick&Ruth's in Annapolis (his fav place when he was a midshipman). 
He would go to work while Ashley and I went around the city. It was one of my favorite trips!
He took us to NYC on his weekend off, it was only for one night, but it was so worth it and it was SO something my dad would do...last minute trip taking advantage of being on the east coast. We did so much in just 48 hours. He knew where to go almost like he had lived there before. 
He is amazing at directions.  
If your with my dad you don't have to worry about a thing because he takes you to all the places you need to see. He has defiantly taught me to chose the adventure and cheap traveling is possible.
My dad is little intimating sometimes. In fact at times you feel like you are being investigated BUT that's just my dad. I have learned why he repeats himself and asks a billion questions. I have started to ask a billion questions too because of him. He always told me to never take just one persons opinion or answer to your question. He likes having a plan and sticking to that plan, if you venture from that he gets confused (like when I took at year off of college to go to beauty school--homeboy was NOT happy). I am a planner too, I was taught to finish what you started. I can honestly say that if it wasn't for him I don't know if I would have returned to school. He pushed me and wanted me to finish!  I am graduating tomorrow thanks to my crazy, intense, inspring dad. Happy Father's Day pops! Thanks for all the memories you have given me that no money can buy! Thank you for teaching me and guiding me even when I didn't want to be taught. Thank you for helping me pay for half of my degree even though it was a HUGE sacrifice and thank you for paying for my beauty school even though you didn't agree with it.  Thank you for loving your family and wanting us to be eternal. Thank you for worrying about us. Thank you for making the effort of making us close and showing us the importance of going to every family event. Even though it's hard to communicate with you at times I hope you know how thankful I am for you. 
Love you, 
your bug doll


  1. Lauren,
    I am your Dad's cousin, Barbara. I'm his Uncle Gary & Aunt Diane's daughter. I just wanted you to know that I loved this post! So cute to see your sweet tribute to your Dad and I loved seeing those pictures! Tell you Dad hi from me!

  2. I totally will tell him hi for you!!


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