Mini Golf Defeat!

Mr.'s brother, Christopher, is in town, which means family competition is necessary. First we feast on pizza before the big brawl. The traditional mini golf game happens every summer, however, they like to think of it has the PGA tour. I hold my breath and hope I can get out of the game alive. There are two titles you can win, Team Winner or Single Winner. It's more complicated then you would think. Do you take the top score of each hole per team or do you add team member scores together? 
Such a controversy. 
We divide in teams, Andrew and I, Martha and Christopher, 
while Stan tried to win the SINGLE WINNER title. I thought my family competitive, BUT you haven't seen competitive until you have been apart of the Schumacher family. Before I knew better, I thought family games were filled with laughter and fun. Now that ideology is thrown out the window. Long story short, Andrew and I won the team title by two! Christopher beat me for the single title by two! Andrew couldn't live with the fact that Christopher beat him for the single title so they had to go back for rematch aka revenge. Andrew won. The end. Can't wait for next year! 
 Andrew's new iPhone case. 

Had to document the rules of this hole...such a controversy every year. 

 Adding up the card, without a calculator, math teacher refusal. 
Notice that Stan and I got a hole-in-one! 
What a game! 
P.S. I wanted to clarify that Christopher was not part of the "Schumacher Boys" struggle in this post. He was actually all for pictures and very into it! :)

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