The CW.

I had an informational interview while I was in LA with the Executive Vice President of the CW network, yes the Gossip Girl channel. I felt awkward in my Old Navy dress and Target sandals walking into an office full of flat screens and white cowhide couches, yet I didn't feel out of place. I was there to take notes and get as much advise and suggestions on how to start in the entertainment business. The office was unreal with autographed guitars and magazine covers. I wanted to know everything I needed to know to get a job in the industry. I felt confident with 20 questions memorized to ask the EVP, I wanted him to do the talking. 

Here are some of them:

What was your first job?
What was your big break?
What does your job intel?
If you were a freshly college graduate again what would you do differently?
What do you look for when hiring? 
What is an average salary of entry level positions?
What do you enjoy and hate about your job?

First thing he said to me, Do you want a job or a career?
I had to think about that one.

We continued to chat...
He told me his story about applying to 100 places and only got 4 calls back for an interview.

His advise was:
Expect to start out as an assistant right out of college and from there work your way up. 
Stay as an assistant for 1-2 years and then be promoted to manager position. 
Talk to as many people as you know. 
Network. Network. Network. 
Informational interviews are key in order to start the networking process out of college. 

He set me up time for me to interview his event coordinator, Courtney, who was super nice and helpful. It was great to talk with someone that was not to far away from my position. She graduated from USC and her first job was at CBS working as an assistant Publicist for 3 years. She said how it was a challenge, but knew she could handle anything after that. She is now event manager for CW. It was great to hear the positives and negatives of Publicity vs. Events. 

I am so grateful for these opportunities and 
for people kind enough to take time out of their 
busy schedules to talk with people like me, 
who are searching and learning. 

Stay tuned on another informational interview I had with the VP of Starz

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