My Graduate.


Someone in my house graduated today!!! 
(that would be Mr. NOT Pippa...she has a lonnnng way to go to graduate from puppy training school.)
SO happy he is DONE DONE DONE. 
No more test.
It's over. 
 I wanted to have a special surprise for my graduate 
when he walked through the door from his last and FINAL exam. 
I had to take a picture of the TOG (time of graduation).
It's the best feeling to be done DONE.

 Buttercream frosting, chocolate cake, peanut butter cream filling. 
So delish. 
 Obviously had to go with the DUCK theme since Mr. is finally an Oregon Alumni. 
 Every graduate needs a couple gifts. 
Ray Ban glasses anyone?
 Rag & Bone --neiman marcus target--sweater anyone?
So proud of you Mr. 
Soooooo glad he is done BECAUSE now I feel done too. 
I was done in the summer BUT now we are free to go. 
Wherever that place may be. 

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