
One month ago we were on the road to Boise, it took us 10 hours when it should have taken us 8. We couldn't figure out why the Budget truck could only go 55 mph turns out there is a button you can push that makes you go up to 65 mph, sorda like the button in Battman's car. When we got to Boise we were exhausted and hungry. We hadn't had a real meal all day. The Superbowl was still on when we got to our hotel, thanks to the power outage that delayed the game so we could watch the last 5 minutes! Unfortunately 49ers lost. boo.
Boise was a dead town at 9pm because every restaurant was closed. 
BUT Red Robin was open. Thanks to RR for a tasty burger when we were famished. 
The next morning we were up at 8 and hitting the road by 9...mmm maybe more like 9:30...Martha needed more time then we thought. 
We made to Salt Lake 6 hours later. 
Now pictures leading, during and after the move:
Night before we moved we watched Sarah kill it in Legally Blonde Paula performance BUT I think having a REAL bulldog would have really givin that WOW performance...ya know?! plus Pippa would have stolen the show so maybe that would have made the other performers sad. 
 That same day we got Pippa a little Oregon gear, we hadn't but since we were moving we figured better.
Penny got a Stilla makeup palette from me before we moved. 
She has to keep up on your beauty skills while I'm gone. 

 What we ate for the two days of traveling. Treats Treats and some more Treats!!!
 Pippa wasn't interested in her food which is a total shocker for those who know this girl! 
The hotel surroundings weren't her favorite. 
 Homegirl slept underneath the seat of the truck, l
iterally all the way under except her legs and her bone. 
 Our mom's couldn't handle our pup for the whole trip so Pips joined us for the second day haul. She slept the whole time...I don't know what the moms were talking about.
 Right when we entered UT it became a Snow Fest! 
 Monday evening at 5:30 H.E.L.L began...unloading all our stuff up 4 to the fourth story! Why no elevators? 
 Our Cafe Rio lunch helped stay strong for the unloading, but slightly to full made it difficult hiking up the stairs with loads of stuff. 
This was the what we lived like all week...each day got better and better. 
Did I mention how hard and annoying it is?
Not as easy as it sounds. 
Luckily we had so many helping hands! 
 While the moms were in town helping with the move, we did have some fun too! 
City Creek shopping and fitting in all the UT foodie hot spots. 
We have Fentons 3 miles away!! 
Yeah all the Toasted Almond we want! 
In fact last week we bought a half gallon of that glorious stuff. 
 Our moms loved Kneaders, Tucanos, Buccas...oh and every other place too. 

The week ended with In-N-Out. Thanks to our wonderful and supporting moms for all their HARD work and all the delish meals they paid for!! 
Next time you come I promise: 
You will have an air-mattress that doesn't deflate by 4am. 
You won't have to sleep on the couch.
You will be able to sleep in.
You won't have to unpack a box.
You won't have to witness breakdowns. 
OH and you will be able to have to do something other then moving. 

*NOW let's hope this isn't the only blog post of the month*
It's not even funny how behind I am on my posts.
February was a tough month in all areas of life. 
BUT March WILL be different. 
I'm determined. 

1 comment

  1. So where is Fentons? I have googled it and cannot find it anywhere around the SLC area. You have intrigued me and it looks so good. I'm glad that you are enjoying Utah, it is so different than I expected as well. :)


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