Walks & Food.

My closet is pretty much finished! I am not trying to figure out how to sell 7 bags of clothes, SPRING CLEANING to the max! I am so over having 5 pairs of Uggs and 20 coats....and so on and so on....
I want to get to the point where I just have the BASICS and yes I just said basic (I'm not a basic person so this is a big deal for me). Maybe down sizing my closet will simplify my life. I'm starting an online store one of these days and then hopefully one day will turn into a REAL store, do those kind of dreams really come true? 

So one of our sales reps took us out to Cheesecake Factory and we all overate and indulged in our OWN piece of cheesecake. 
OKAY so new fav pizza place in SLC is Pizzeria Limone! They have really unique pizzas, don't let the pepperoni deceive you, Mr. is just really into BASIC foods, my new word is basic this month. 
AND they have the really cool soda machine thing where you can mix all sorts of combos up. 
You feel like a total "soda-tender"
I totally sold my cute bike! I decided it was taking up way to much room on our tiny tiny balcony and it's to freezing here in the Spring for bike rides aka GOODBYE teal bike. 
ALRIGHT have you been to The Habit? 
Well thanks to our friends for introducing us!
It's really cheap burgers but totally gourmet. 
My teriyaki burger was only $3.50
Did I make you hungry?
Hope so. 

1 comment

  1. oh my gosh, THE PIZZA!! and the HAMBURGERS!!! these look amazing!!!


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