Valory Jean Photography.

So my sister has a friend named Val. 

My sister and I shared a room so when she had sleep overs with girlfriends that included me too haha so unfortunate. Looking back, I can't believe my sister didn't kick me out when she had her friends over, that just shows how nice my sister is. Anyways, I would stay up listening to their stories about the guys they were dating and current drama at the singles ward. I thought they were so old and so grown-up and I would never be as cool as them and have a boyfriend, 
I was 14 they were 20. 
So when we moved to Utah, Val asked if we needed any help moving, which was an absolute YES! My sister is nice and so are her friends. end of story. SO that niceness doesn't end there. Val was so nice and mentored my cousin on photography and then asked us to be their models. um YES, and then she was nice enough to mentor me on the editing process. THANK YOU VAL! 

So here are some of the photos she took of us:
Now which one am I can going to BLOW up to canvas?
 She's so amazing!
The End. 

p.s. Thank you Val for being so nice! 

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