
Day 4: We hit up Hollywood. 
The Grove.
Griffith Park.
Rodeo Drive. 

You name it. We did it. 
in a day. 

okay so Griffith Park was a little to scientific for me. I'm not into the solar system. sorry. i'm just not. prob should.oh well.

 science stuff is just not my forte. among other things.

i wore headgear so this accessory hit home. 

This place was like Disneyland. They had a photo studio so you could take pictures with your doll and a cafe and have food from the doll's stories. They also had a hair salon and doctors office for the dolls. So adorbs.

this little girl was in awe of the doll car. i mean who wasn't in awe?!

so adorbs. tots eating here next time.

I loved the Native American doll....she's new. I wanted her. lol

We also helped ourselves to some Sprinkles. Round Two.

Me and my Addy doll. I love that doll. She would entertain me for hours after school. I wanted her so bad because was the only doll at the time that had earrings. and i wanted my ears pierced so bad, so having a doll with pierced ears was the second best option.

we went to the Hollywood sign...even though there were several wrong turns. 

there was a cute doggie shop with cute doggie treats:

cute right?

Then we walked the neighborhood of Rodeo Drive. pretty chic, while also being interesting...
there were homes boarded up so we decided to take a gander. This is what was taped to the door:

A day spent in 90210 zip code is always a fabulous day.

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