Birthday Dinner.

a month ago...this happened:

The Miskins (aka my cousin and her husband and baby) came down from Loma Linda for the evening to celebrate ANDREWWW. we had little b-day dinner party. it was the first night that we ate dinner outside since we moved in.

first night it wasn't over 90 degrees.
cheers to eating dinner outside all winter long.

this was so gooooood. 

we take lighting candles very seriously. our faces crack me up. maybe it's the fire that brings on such concentration. who knows.

mr. was holding little asher when i asked HB to snap a classic b-day photo. she's like want one without the baby. whoops we forgot asher was in the photos... he added more of a cute factor that's for sure. so we took another one just so we didn't look like we were parents on mr.'s 25th birthday.

mr. loves, loves, loves ice cream pie. it's super easy to make. the crust i made from nutter butters. you can make the crust from chips ahoys or oreos too! chocolate peanut butter ice cream with layers of cookie dough ice cream  AND with leatherby's fudge and fentons caramel AND crushed oreos to top each layer. way bomb. way addicting, way depressing when you step on the scale the next day. 

it was a great night.
dinner parties are the way to go.

...just ignore my homely look. i would have dressed up more or maybe even put on some makeup, but i was rushed grocery shopping, then cleaning, then cooking then looked at the clock and had 2.5 minutes to throw something on.

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