Around Town.


we are adventuring around our new city. 
we hit up the surprisingly small farmer's market downtown. 
like i said it was small. not much to choose from so we headed to a brunch place ...
thanks to my yelp app. 
yelp app is def a game changer.

classic choice by mr. 
this was a weird but good choice by me. ^^ it was bomb & different. 

after brunch we went on a walk in the clouds.
dreaming of our future home.
these houses are unreal...literally unreal in the suburbs. they don't exist.
sooooo that being said i felt like we were in a different state.
every house was unique with huge yards.
gosh. i loved it.

when people think OH TEXAS IS SO CHEAP TO LIVE...
yeah if you want a brick, floor plan #3 with the tile upgrade then yes! yes, by all means you can find a large home for "cheap".
& you have to drive 40 mins+ to downtown.
does anyone find it creepy that your neighbor has the exact house except different color door?
if you want anything other then brick and tan walls then you better find somewhere else to live or win the lottery and head to kirby drive.
unfortunately, we don't come from old oil money so the burbs is home.

we came home & i poured milk into my awesome milk glass (thanks Crave!) and bit into my chocolate coconut cupcake.

on friday nights we try to venture out and try something different.
in houston everything is different so friday nights goal is always accomplished.
we ate at a Niko Niko's as seen on diners, drive-ins, and dives...
i felt like i was in Big Fat Greek Wedding.
the food took forevs so they gave it to us free...double bonus.
best gyro. it was delishhhhh.
however, i wasn't a fan of the baklava.
the honey balls were amaze, thanks to Guy Ferrari's rec.
so far we have a couple more food network houston must eats to hit up.

reminds me of Katz's Deli...just wonder if it will taste like Katz.
we will see...

Loukourmades aka honey balls. 
andrew loved bach. not a fan. 

after din, we swung by trader's & then hit up redbox on the way home.
friday nights are so exciting when you're married.
no really they are!
exciting to me at least.
i look forward to fridays like no-ones business.

it's so great having so many options.
houston has endless food options.
in palm springs there were no options.
unless you wanted to spend $200 at a steak house. 

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