Houston Eats.


The "little kids" came to H-town for SPRING BREAK 2014!
it was great having family in town...hint, hint.

we ate a lot.
the great thing about houston is the food.
we have it all.
we shopped. went to the gym. (we love our gym)
we watched hilar disney movies like Wish Upon a Star. 

 on sunday we went to see the temple...
we admired the beautiful building surrounded with tulips.
it started to rain so we ran to the car before getting completely drenched.
TX has some bi-polar weather.

i have the worst cuticles. always have. ^^
besides my dry cuticles ... how bomb are shipley's donuts?
one saturday morning before the gym we had a weak moment and NEEDED donuts.
a sudden craving.
they had just been baked.
holy hot delish perfect little puff of amazingness.
we took joe&sarah because we couldn't over how good a cinnamon donut is hot.
however we weren't as lucky... they weren't right out of the oven like last time.
but still good.
p.s. custard filled maple bars were a pleasant fatty surprise.

we hit up a food truck.
pb&j truck.
we felt like we could have made them better...but that is so something mom would say so we will pretend i didn't say that.

there is a street full of antique shops.
so we stopped by a few.
antiques are overpriced junk. (in my opinion.)
rarely do i find good deals at antique shops.

hit up our fav bbq place.
there are a thousand bbq places in h-town.
we have yet to try them all.
but right now we love goode co. 

my favorite dessert place = Chocolate Bar. 
best ice cream!!!!!!
huge cakes!!!!!
any and all chocolate molds you can think of!!!!

and sprinkles of course. 
i read about a store called "texas junk co. "
naturally i was intrigued by junk.
so i dragged mr. & sarah to see some junk.
some people call it junk BUT i would like to think of it as treasures.

the cutest kids boots. 

used cowboy boots for $40 or less.
already broken in for ya too!

this place was basically my dad's dream garage.
full of cowboy boots and badminton racquets.
mr. was practicing his skills for the reunion (cross our fingers we get to go this year)
the guy that owns this store does it as a hobby.
it's only open for a few hours on fridays & saturdays.
it's such a fun store & a def must see when coming to h-town.
why is searching through junk to find a treasure so much fun? such a thrill.

my lunch dates^^
we went to niko's niko's.
we love this place.

right when we picked them up from the airport we head for some tex-mex.
homemade tortillas anyone?

introduced the west coasters to a thing the south call a Kolache.
they are sorta like a breakfast hot dog.
sausage in a pastry.
also introduced the oregonians to something called: pumping gas.
a foreign concept.
pumping your own gas??? say, what?!

 p.s. pippa loves getting muddy RIGHT after getting a bath.
she loves baths.
i think she does it on purpose so she can get back in the tub.

we felt fat after eating out constantly...so the gym was a must.
it was great laying out THE one day that it was sunny in h-town.

also hit up a shave ice aka snow ball in the south. 

it was a fun week with the sibs.
part 2 of #springbreak2014...NOLA!!!

1 comment

  1. Those custard-filled maple donuts are calling my name!


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