
last friday i headed to the country to pick some blueberries.

it was one HOT day. it didn't even feel hot when we left, but by the time we got to the farm it was humid. the kids got over it in 10 minutes, but we kept picking until we got half a bucket then headed home. a snow cone bribe was helpful to keep the tears away. next time we go (if there is a next time, considering it's $2.50 a pound & when i went to the grocery store last night i saw 2 lbs for just $5.99, however the ones we picked were organic so if you're comparing organic prices picking is a steal) we will bring spray bottles, wear swim suits & spray off with the hose. we ate our fair share of  berries along our way because ya know donuts for breakfast don't fill you up, right?

i've been eating my berries all week. so yummy in cottage cheese & oatmeal with a dash of cinnamon.

random kids being cute
homegirl was an eating machine. 

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