Let Freedom Ring.

we adore the 4th. 
it's been one of our favorite holidays since basically forever or since the annual whipple family reunion started. it's the one time a year we get to see everyone. we really thought about NOT goin this year because how expensive it is to fly from H-town, BUT andrew reminded me we hadn't seen my brothers since last year. whoa. how sad is that we only see our fam once a year? maybe 2 times a year if we are lucky. growing up sucks sometimes. 

so after the butte to butte run we eat brunch then head for the pool.
then tie dye then badminton then dinner then our program then fireworks and dessert. 

so i bought these glasses for the reunion...i wore them for a whole 2 hrs until a water balloon hit my head and i never saw the again...it was a great 2 hrs. 
asher wearing jakes chain..classic. 

thanks to uncle doug we got crafty!
everyone brought something white to dye.
we got creative with socks, tanks, towels, shorts, shirts...you get the picture.

ruby hanging in there.

i never realized rachel had a scar until now...you wear it well ;)

if you're baby hungry... go to a whipple reunion...because 
A. you will get your baby fix 
B. you will be reminded of why you don't have kids yet (tears, tears, screams, screams...yikes)
but seriously how cute are these babes?! 

this pic cracks me up. 
gramps hanging with his grandgirls
i'm going to eat you evelyn! all 17lbs of you! 
andrew's reaction to my request of some pictures. classic. 
when people think mr. is A-okay with taking photos...just look here...
yeah not so much. 
sarah's tye dye fingers sums up our day..colorful crazy fun. 

happy 4th y'all!

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