Oregon Coast.

i extended my OR trip a few days...
one of those bonus days was spent at the coast.
it had been years since i had been.
which is a total shame because it only takes ONE hour to get there from my parents house.
and an hour is NOTHING...in texas. it takes one hour to get to trader joes and nordstrom.

the coast is so gorge. you will never get a sun tan, but you will get amazing views!
we ate at mo's. you have to eat at mo's because it's tradish, however it's not that good.
really not very good.
when you're eating the chowder you wonder what else the coast has to offer when it comes to food. we headed across the street to BJ's for some ice cream and taffy.

once we were full we drove to the lighthouse at heceta beach. 
it was a tad bit windy, therefore we only stayed long enough to take some photos and get sand on our toes. it wasn't long until we had enough of the wind, so we decided some root beer ice cream cones at A&W was in-store. we brought back a gallon of root beer for pops because when we were younger he would always stop at A&W on the way home. had to go with tradish.

and now for some photes.

we got hungry waiting, and waiting, and waiting.

we waited FOREVER for ONE plate of food.

staying a couple days longer then andrew meant snapchats and facetime....

 when your with the sibs...you model...model behavior...ANTM...tyra would be proud of my #smies

it was so pretty.
so so pretty.
windy, but pretty.

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