Fit Foodie Run.

one day back in may i was reading health magazine at the pool. as i flipped through i saw an ad for a FitFoodie 5k run in only 3 cities in the of those happened to be in Austin! i wanted to do is so bad, so i went home and googled it.
turns out they had a special deal going on. i said enough is enough. stop thinking and DO IT!
i signed us up. booked out hotel. and said see in september austin!

we woke up around 6am. (ugh. we are NOT morning people at allllll. so that was the hardest part)
we walked out to our car and about died. it was freezing.
i was shivering. we didn't pack any coats or sweatshirts. (how were we suppose to know that austin was going to be windy, cold, and raining?) i suppose checking the weather would have been smart BUT we just assumed it was the same ish as houston.

the run wasn't bad until the last half mile.
we were exhausted. we laughed after our huffing and buffing because it was only a pathetic 3.1 miles
so sad. it is what it is. we aren't runners BUT we are trying.
we did it in 33 mins lol oh well.

entering the "after party" was a fit foodie's dream.
food demos, samples, samples...and some more samples...oh and book signing with alison sweeney the biggest loser host. she is tiny in person.

we stuffed out stomachs and bags.

it was a wonderful weekend of shopping the lululemon outlet, eating bomb food, and hot tubbing.

the holiday inn ended up being a great choice. besides the weirdo talkative hot tub couple.

 last time we were in austin we saw this cute place.
i told andrew it was an asian restaurant and he was like no way that place didn't seem asian at all...come to find out after eating there it's french/vietnamese
adorable. the cutest place i've ever eaten.

i really don't know how i feel about pho though.

the waitress was so sweet. i was trying to decide whether i should get a macaroon or not. then i decided no no it's okay i better save the $ & cals.
then to my surprised me with two macaroons! gosh don't ya love it when ya get free treats.

after dinner, we conveniently walked across the parking lot to our fav austin food truck!

it was amazing. brownie batter, bites, chips, fudge.

and if you thought that was enough. we got krispy kreme. have you ever had the maple ones?
don't do it.
we will regret it.
BECAUSE they were freaking BOMB. (hot of course)

i'm way to lazy this sunday evening to edit that picture ^^
upside down never hurt no one.
my fav running bra is VS.
best. the best. and right now my fav running shoes.
oh and my new obsession with lululemon.

 my friend let me sample these energy type shots. gotta love a little energy boost now and again.

i was in foodie heaven.
trying everything.

we rested drank some water. took some pictures, then remembered i never got that running through the finishing pic. don't worry i reenacted it.

#tweetyourfeet pic
we have been wanted a pair of the new pegasus for awhile. well ever since flying home for OR at the PDX airport there is a nike store in it. i got suckered into trying them on.
they were like clouds on your feet.
i left and then kept thinking about them and how i needed them IF i wanted to be a runner.
long story short i got him & i a pair before i booked 3 races this fall.

after our race we took a long nap...while watching the duck game on the ipad.
then headed to the outlet malls.
they have every store there.
pottery barn OUTLET
restoration hardware OUTLET
and my fav lululemon OUTLET

 later after shopping we were starved so we decided a yelp approved pizza joint was up next.

 we were a little disappointed with the rain. when i booked the place i was hoping we could relax by the pool BUT nope.

we have only seen the capitol building from afar, so we decided to rent these bikes and take a little stroll. it was the best decision. the grounds were beautiful.

did you know whole foods started in austin? or that the corporate headquarters are above the store. the largest whole foods store...a whole block long.
we went in.
omg the samples were amaze.

this was the best protein powder. i had to take a picture of it to remember it for later.

got hungry again believe or not.
headed to lucy's for some famous chicken.

what would we do without our precious app YELP.

 i'm in love with lick's ice cream.
local. organic. crazed flavors.
the thing i love is that it literally taste like homemade... legit homemade ... ya know like the kind you make in your ice cream maker.

growing up with a bunch of liberals in eugene.
i was shocked to see the ten commandments on the capitol grounds.
considering we can't have christmas trees in any of the eugene public schools.

austin never fails us.
highly recommend the fitfoodie run.
i miss that baklava. i miss the full size pressed juice.

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