My friend told me about these water bottles, Andrew loved mine so much that he bought himself one.
 Watched the sunset over Shasta Lake.
 I can't believe in January, we ate outside in our t-shirts, in Northern California!

 Got my favorite candies, at the gas station, they don't sell them anywhere in Oregon, so it was a pleasant surprise to find these FROOTIES in the middle of nowhere.
After a long weekend of stuffing our faces of ice cream and burgers, I craved veggies and fruit like no other! I felt so bloated and HUGE to say the least. So for the last week I have been drinking my kale, spinach, berry smoothies! Plus working out twice a day has made the "huge" feeling go away.
Thank goodness:)

1 comment

  1. I too love my camel back water bottle. I left it at the gym one night and almost died when I thought I lost it. I was so glad when I got it back. They are amazing.


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