1 year old.

Our marriage turned 1 year old this month! I cannot believe it's been in a year. So much has happened this year it seems like our wedding was forever ago, but really it was just last year. I love being married (period). I think I love being married so much because of the person I married. He is my other half. He is the yum sauce to my yum bowl. He is the candy to my movie. He is the sun to my summer. He is the camera to my travels. He is my everything. I got so lucky. I am grateful and blessed he chose me. I am so happy the Lord brought us together and that he knew we needed each other. He knew I needed Andrew to teach me to be better. I needed to learn patience, unconditional love and faith. 
Each day my love grows deeper and deeper for him my heart feels like it will explode. I feel blessed that I was able to marry my best friend. Spending 24/7 never gets old, in fact it's the best day when we get to spend the entire day together. 
I am not going to say that marriage is easy because it's not (okay now I am sounding really old). Don't get me wrong there are the times of annoy, hurt and frustration. BUT then there are the times of when laugh so hard you cry or the times you can finish each other sentences. Marriage is very much about of give and take. You know what I am talking about? When it's your turn to say sorry or when it's your time to do the dishes or to cook or to pay the bills or to take out the trash. 
Marriage is just a funny thing, therefore
now for some funny marriage quotes:

"All marriages are happy. It's the living together afterward that causes all the trouble. "
- Raymond Hall

"For two people in a marriage to live together day after day is unquestionably the one miracle the Vatican has overlooked."
  - Bill Cosby

"To keep your marriage brimming,
With love in the loving cup,
Whenever you're wrong admit it;
Whenever you're right shut up. "
- Ogden Nash
 HOW funny and true is this? 
I was think that Andrew knows exactly what I am thinking- 
he has to remind me often that he doesn't. 
  I look back at my wedding and remember the feelings I felt. I remember how hungry I was, but I so happy I didn't even think about eating. I remember thinking I had never seen Andrew so attractive and very pleased with the purchase of his tux. I remember feeling like I was going to faint  during the ceremony. I remember during the cake cutting that I wanted to eat the whole thing and not just a bite because it tasted soooo delish. I remember thinking that I thought of this day since was I was girl and that I better enjoy every second of it and remember every moment. I didn't want the night to end maybe that's why we partied till 11 p.m. with friend and family. I remembering not leaving the dance floor the entire evening. I wanted a dance party and that's what I got. My entire family came and danced their feet off. Thank to everyone who drove so far to support us. Thank you everyone who made our day so special. I will remember it always.

My grandma's wedding dress. Mom's pendant & mother in-law's chain.

 First time seeing each other. Such a fun moment!

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