Tree Time.


This weekend we got a Christmas Tree....For Mr.'s parents! We went to Northern Light Tree Farm in Pleasant Hill. This is my third year going! Look at last years tree farm post here. This place is so cute-- it's the ultimate Christmas Festivity that everyone should do. I just feel like cutting down the tree is so old school which makes it so great. Although today we are going to a tree lot to get our tree this year BECAUSE I want it Flocked. 
That being said here are our photos from our tree adventure in the country:
 we got her a mistletoe you see it sticking above her head?
 Now for our tree tonight! 
can't wait to get my tree up...I feel a little behind in the decorating department considering I usually decorating for holidays two months before the holiday.
OH did I mention how we started our tree hunt with a hardy breakfast and non other than OPH:
 I tried really hard not to post iphone pics and look how well I did this post:

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