And the Oscar goes to...


The Oscars
Moving away from family is sad but moving to more family you never get to see is pretty awesome! 
My cousins live in Provo, my brothers live in Logan...Salt Lake is in the middle, therefore our place is a great meeting place. I thought we should have a Oscars/Family Dinner/House warming party!! So 14 Whipples got together Sunday night to eat and mingle about flicks and pics.
 We had classic Whipple gathering.
The Menu:
Pulled Pork Sandwiches.
Veggies and Hummus.
Chips and Salsa.
Mac & Cheese.
Baked Beans.
Green Salad.
Deviled Eggs.
Strawberry Lemonade.
Caramel Corn.
AND of course...
Candy, Popcorn, and essentials DUH!
So Hannah and Andrew tied for FIRST place!! Way to go movie Gurus 
How hot is my chef?
Krew soakin up the Oscars. 

REALLY ??? ARE politics and movies all one thing now?

Hilar "costume" props pic of Tyler & Hannah, woops. didn't get the memo.
The Oscars are always a glamourous evening, aren't they?
Ohhhhhh and stay tuned for the next Whipple party. 

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