The New Girl.


I'm new here. 
New at everything it seems. 
I'm learning new things as well as refreshing my skills or maybe refining them, I don't know. 
Alls I know is I have a lot to learn.
In business, design, marketing, communicating, and being the new girl. 
This bakery is adorbs, while also being filled with delish pastries. 
I miss The City Bakery in NYC, man that hot coco was out of this world. 
Like not joking. 
SLC does have pretty great array of food options. 
I'm a foodie so this is a good thing.
I'm also a lifetime dieter so this is a bad thing. 
Being new a church is always a hilar experience. 
The typical and automatic questions of Where are you from?
What are you doing here?
How long will you be here?
Our ward is great because it's small (I thought it was going to be huge...UT stereotype...I know)
I guess you just assume that there are tons of Mormons in SLC and that every ward is huge....well WRONG. 
Our ward has no youth or babies...another stereotype I had.
I assumed every woman in RS would have 5 children...WRONG.
No one has kids.
Everyone is graduated and starting their careers or in grad school. 
It's actually weird how WRONG I was about UT family wards. 
OH and I thought everyone will be sweet tender spirits and narrow minded....
There are ton of converts and a ton of people who are from all over the world with crazy stories. 
I guess SLC is pretty cultured. 
It turns I was WRONG about a lot of things. 
TURNS out that SLC isn't a saturated with Mormons as I thought. (that would be Povo)
I thought everyone in our apartment complex would be Mormon.
We are the only ones in our building.
IN FACT funny story, on Saturday got a knock on my door, I look through the peep hole and see a young couple (I assumes they were a couple) I thought-- oh new neighbors saying hi--so I open it. 
First thing the woman says is: Are you satisfied with your religion?
They were missionaries-- not of our church.
That was an interesting discussion. I couldn't just shut the door on them knowing that I have friends and family who are missionaries for our church and would hate for someone to shut the door on them! So I listened politely BECAUSE it's a good thing to hear other peoples point of views--doesn't mean your going to agree, but it's the nice thing to do. When I said I'm Mormon the woman automatically tries to pull out doctrine to prove the religion wrong. What is it about saying your Mormon to someone and it stirs all sorts of emotions up for them?  NOW I have learned the hard way that you never try to prove someone wrong. Just say interesting, nothing else, don't even try a rebuttal. 
You can't force any religion on anyone.
 I learned that a long time me. 
Oh and did I mention that all this was happening while I was hosting a baby shower? 

I love Valentines Day!!
 I got this XL cookie from Paradise Bakery. 
There is a V-Day post coming. 

Okay so about my closet-- it's coming along, I just need one more dresser and maybe this really cool vanity that I saw on KSL. I will be so happy once that room is done. It's so disorganized, with a pile of "i don't know what to do with you"  clothes. I really need some help in this department. 
What to keep what to get rid of and what to sell. 

My first day of work was actually the most stressful day of my life. 
I left my battery to my camera charging AT HOME aka no way to use my camera that we were using for filming. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!! on my first day REALLY! oh and we were 45 mins away from home and I didn't have a co-worker drove me. So I frantically call my cousin Alta to barrow her charger/battery/memory cards. I couldn't believe myself, that on my first day I was NOT prepared. The night before we looked EVERYWHERE for my other charger for my other camera just for that reason of being prepared and having a back-up WELL turns out the charger disappeared forever or who knows where it ended up in the move. Basically it was like the world was against me and wanted me to fail! BUT I had to think and drive fast to my cousins (in my co-worker's car who I had just met) and pick up her charger that was 35 mins away. 
Long story short, I'm still employed....luckily. 

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