Evelyn Mae Whipple


Introducing the newest addition to the family:
Evelyn Mae Whipple
March 18, 2013
7 lbs. 2 oz. 19 in.

 Pippa loved the drive up to Logan,
She couldn't wait to meet her new best cousin that she can kiss to death haha

talking, as usual.
How cute is Grandpa's first look at his newest baby granddaughter?
My brother's a DAD.WEIRD and REALLY GREAT all at the same time.

This picture will be a reminder that Evy was born during MARCH MADNESS.
Of course Alesha looked amazing only a few hours after giving BIRTH! when we left, Andrew said, yeah your won't be that straight after giving birth! I said gee thanks! looks like I will be hiring someone from the DryBar to come to the hospital for a quick post-labor blowout.
Cupcakes to celebrate Evy's BIRTHday!

Evelyn Mae stole our hearts on March 18th, all 7.2 lbs of her!
The dark thick hair is hard to get over, never seen anything like it.
I wanted to steal her and put her in my handbag and walk out of the hospital. 
She's way to cute.


  1. She is so cute. For some reason it is so weird to me that Ky is a Dad. I am so excited for them though. They are going to be the best parents.

  2. Hahaha. OK, seriously. How does one come into the world with a perfect pixie haircut? I was bald until I was three :( waaaa


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