Sick Face.


Last week I thought I was dying. 
Around 3am I woke up and felt REALLY sick. 
I get to the bathroom and think to myself, I think I'm going to throw up! 
I have never thrown up before, wait I take that back I have once, but not like this!
I threw up for 5 hours, every 15 minutes! not kidding I would watch the clock and it was right on time.
After the 9th time of throwing up I thought this can't happen AGAIN! 
Did you know that dry-heaving is the worst thing ever?
I had nothing left and I was still going at it, worst feeling. 
Oh did I mention I pooped my pants. true story.
I was throwing up and Andrew walks into a horrific smell and my face is in the toilet and I look up at him crying and say I think I pooped my pants. He comes back with new pair of underwear and doesn't say a word...until I recovered a few nights later and says can we talk about how you pooped your pants and starts busting up laughing. ha ha NOT FUNNY. actually really funny now that's it's over. 
True love. 
I guess you could say I hit rock-bottom. 
Ultimate low. 
Andrew was up the entire time by my side, I'm not sure how he could stomach the smell or the sights. 
I survived. Even though I thought wasn't...haha I have never had a flu virus before so I was in shock how BAD it is. I now have a new sympathy for people who get the flu.
Tips when you have the flu:
eat saltine crackers
eat ginger
eat jello
eat broth
chew gum 
suck on mints
Gatorade or Vitamin Water
Ginger Ale
Essential Oils
Plus side,  I watch 24 re-runs on TV while I laid in bed for literally 24 hours. 

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