Happy Anniversary to My Rents.


My parents had their 34th wedding anniversary!

so in honor of their many many years of marriage I decided to do a post of some really hilar/great/never seen before photos of mom and dad.

a couple of weeks ago i went through my uncle doug's photo albums. OMG there was some GREAT photos. i took pictures of the photos with my iphone so i apologize about the blurriness and quality.

My parents first two years of marriage was spent in hawaii (my dad was stationed there in the Navy)

My dad's first job out of the Navy was at Procter&Gamble. 

just finished a Black&Tan at Fentons. 
mom with baby Ashley
kyle's baby blessing 
family reunion "beach club" shirts year. 
with grandma and grandpa Whipple.

glad i have parents that were able to set a good example of marriage. my parents set the example of being friends with your spouse. do things together or you will drift apart. find fun things to do together.

my parents are always doing stuff together even if its Home Depot and TCBY or  even a $1 movie and Costco for dinner (all time classic date by dad). we laugh at my dad for these kinds of dates with my mom BUT at least he still wants to do things together even after 34 years.

you know its a love thats strong and true when 7 kids, 6 grandchildren, unemployment, paying for college educations, broken down cars are in the picture. after all the lemons that life brings, my parents seemed to find a way to squeeze out every ounce for some lemonade.

1 comment

  1. these pictures could NOT be any better, srsly. so CLASSIC & many of them very saucy. great!!


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