Ms. Frizzle


Since being back from the reunion I have been working on the backyard. searching&hoping a job will come up. selling things on craigslist. detailing the car. running errands. it's a little scary what one can do with an entire day without doing really anything.

so i have been price checking Target clearance like no ones business. when you have spare time you can do those sorts of things. well it pays off because i kept waiting and waiting for their outdoor furniture to go even MORE on sale and being patient worked in my favor cause i got these chairs for $8. yup. they were regularly $49.99

it doesn't always pay off when waiting for things to go even MORE on sale. for example things have totally sold out and i should have just grabbed it for the 50% instead of holding out for the 75% off. stupid.

i finished our room last week. in this photo is undone...i will have to post updated photos soon.
new nightstands, lamp shades, curtains can really give the room a facelift. 

take a look below. the Lexus has never looked better. FIY to get bumper stickers off make sure you use a degreaser spray and a straight razor to get those suckers off. WD40 does NOT work--come to find out YouTubers who swore by it are wrong. 

also had a great girls night/brunch/afternoon. hair time. i had heather slap some keratin smoothing treatment on my hair. i think my hair was in def need. if you were wondering what it's called Keratin Express.
what is looks like after washing with a "remove all" shampoo 3 times. and blow drying it.
only takes 20 mins processing time. you can't wash your hair for 72 hours. after your done make sure you use a sulfate free shampoo. the smoothness only last 4 weeks but great news is that isn't non damaging like a lot of smoothing treatments are for us curly heads.

Mr. use to call me Ms.Frizzles when we were 15, guess that was his way of flirting. i straitened my hair for weeks after that.
my hair still has curl though. it just took away the frizz. it has more shine now too. also cuts the time down when styling my hair.

in the past i had used Pravana smoothing treatment and i hated the smell. whenever i got it wet like swimming or washing it my hair reeked.

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  1. Hey Lauren!

    I love your blog! I tagged you in the Liebster Award Nominations and would love for you to answer the questions!

    Please visit my blog to see my answers and the questions I hope you will answer!!! :)



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